Upgrading My Old Version of WordPress Site
This blog was first built in 2015 using WordPress Version 4.3.1 and runs on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VPS at Atlantic.Net. The server specification was the lowest available: 1vCPU, 256MB RAM, 10GB SSD, and cost 1.0 USD per month. Overtime the…

IBM 3270 Screen Scraping And Automation
In the late 1980s, when IBM PC had proliferated while I was still supporting IBM mainframe, I wrote a PC tool that sent commands to the mainframe and received responses back via the PC 3270 terminal emulator. This tool helped to…

Ubuntu Cloud Desktop with X2Go
This guide is using X2Go as an alternative to VNC (or noVNC) for accessing remote Ubuntu Desktop as described in the previous article. Similar to VNC, X2Go is an open-source remote desktop software that enables access to a Linux graphical…

Ubuntu Cloud Desktop: Adding GUI to Your Cloud Server Instance
When you are going to install Ubuntu on a local machine, there are always two versions to choose: desktop or server. Whereas if you want to deploy Ubuntu on the cloud, most cloud service providers only provide server version. This makes…

Setting up Single Sign-On (SSO) with IBM Cloud App ID, simpleSAMLphp and LDAP
For an organization who plans to deploy public cloud application to their internal users, one in the top list that needs to be considered carefully is how to authenticate the users. Most of the organization have an existing intranet, behind…

Email Forwarding for Creating FREE Email Accounts with Your Domain Name
I already own an internet domain name that I use for my website. Later on, I have a need to create several email accounts with the same domain address. The common solution would be to subscribe to an email hosting…