Upgrading My Old Version of WordPress Site
This blog was first built in 2015 using WordPress Version 4.3.1 and runs on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VPS at Atlantic.Net. The server specification was the lowest available: 1vCPU, 256MB RAM, 10GB SSD, and cost 1.0 USD per month. Overtime the…

Build Yourself – Hakko T12 Compatible Soldering Iron Station
One of the fundamental skill needed as electronics enthusiast is that of soldering. For this purpose, you need a common soldering iron that typically has a power rating of 20-30 watts or so, which is fine for most work. But…

Email Forwarding for Creating FREE Email Accounts with Your Domain Name
I already own an internet domain name that I use for my website. Later on, I have a need to create several email accounts with the same domain address. The common solution would be to subscribe to an email hosting…

Look Ma! My $5 Pi Zero Thinks It is a Mainframe.
OK, it is not the first. But I couldn’t resist to have fun with it anyway. It is driven by personal nostalgia and fascinated by how computer has achieved such impressive price performance improvement over time that I experience myself….